Health Care Decision Making Tips For Old Age
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There is nothing more socially demeaning than becoming a liability to others at old age. This is very embarrassing especially after having a long and fulfilling working career. Your old age should be a blessing and not a curse since not many people get to see old age especially with the increase in terminal illnesses and changing lifestyles. If you don’t plan now then you will not enjoy your sunset years. During this period in life you don’t require a lot just the basic needs but your health tops the list. This is because as you age your body develops many complications and you will require regular medical checkup. All said and done you need not to worry as it is quite easy to plan for old age healthcare.
Important tips to remember
- Start saving early for retirement
The earlier you start saving the more money you will have saved by the time you are retiring. Saving is very important even for your health care because at some point you will require to get some money from your own pockets to pay for some medical related expense. Let no one lie to you that you can find an insurance company that pays for everything. No matter how attractive the policy looks like at some point you will have to chip in
- Start paying for Insurance early
If you start paying for insurance premiums when you are still young and energetic they tend to be lower. Insurance companies charge premiums according to risk hence a 65 year old man is more riskier to cover than an energetic 30 year old hence the older you are the more you pay.
- Choice of Insurance Company
There is nothing sadder than all your lifetime savings going down the drain when a bank collapses. This is not an alien thing as it has happened many times before especially in the period of economic crisis. And Insurance companies are also business entities and are not immune to this and so you should ensure you take your health cover with a solid company. Benefit of a solid company is that even if it collapses there are avenues to recover your insurance money.
- Healthy living
Healthy living is arguably the best health care decision you can make for your old age. It makes logical sense that when you lead a healthy life you will reduce your chances of getting ailments like heart attack and stroke which mostly affect people at old age. Choose to live healthy when you are young and you will not have to worry about your health in your sunset years.
Benefits of planning of old age health care
- Reduces over dependence on your children and other relatives.
- Ensures you retire gracefully and enjoy your sunset years.
- Makes you free to explore the world and enjoy yourself without having to worry about your health.
- Saves you a lot of money in the long run that you would have spent on your health.
It’s never too late or too early to start planning for your old age healthcare. You can start now by first getting your NI Card (national insurance number card) this is should be the first step in securing your health at old age.