Where should I go on holiday?
Every year people will decide with their families or friends where to go on holiday. We’ve designed a weighted decision matrix template to help you make that holiday decision. Usually the discussion will start in the dark winter months when we start to miss the heat of the sun or start dreaming of the bright lights of the ski slopes. The adverts start appearing on the TV showing us wonderful destinations and promising the holiday of a lifetime. Sounds familiar?
The more people involved in the decision, the harder it will be to choose a holiday that suits everyone. If there’s only the two of you and you’re young and all loved up, chances are you’ll be happy wherever you end up (even in a grotty apartment in a tower block in Ibiza). If you’re in a family of four or five then the whole holiday decision can become a nightmare, especially if you have teenagers!
At this stage (with a family) you tend to have two options. You could become a dictator, after all it’s your money that’s buying this holiday so they can all darn well go where you want to go! You might be happy with this in the winter months but once on holiday have you noticed how all the problems are suddenly your fault! Your other choice is to go all democratic and discuss the various options. Unless you’re some kind of management consultant and can lead a focussed, calm discussion minus all the emotion this can very quickly descend into an argument of huge proportions. Little Johnny wants to see the sea but Mum (who has put on a few pounds recently) wouldn’t be seen dead in a swimsuit in public and so it goes on!
Our weighted decision matrix could be a big help to you. You can compare and contrast very easily between your various options and hopefully decide where to go on holiday.
Have you ever taken any really bad holiday decisions or do you have any other factors that you always take into account when deciding where to go? Let us know in the comments or via Twitter and Facebook to the right.